Graphic + Web + Digital

Syncremedies Healthcare Private Limited, is a Bangalore based health care services company, offering Doctor Consultation Online and at Home, Employee Wellness Programs and a unique Integrated Medicine Consultation. The company was founded in the year 2016, by Founder and CEO Dr Arjun Rao. The company initially started with a focus of provided Doctor Consultations at home online and in person. The business evolved into providing Doctors onsite and online and other allied services to  both corporates through their Employee Wellness Programs. Over the years they have grown as a business in all three verticals. Initially they had a website that was managed and maintained by a different company. With the business evolving they required a dedicated team to provide, both online and offline or print marketing collaterals.


Syncremedies Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Landing Page, Social Media Creatives, Website, Graphic Designing, Branding

Digital Marketing

Designing an emailer in Adobe Illustrator and coded the newsletter from scratch in Adobe Dreamweaver. InSync is a monthly newsletter for the company Syncremedies. Every month an area in health, wellness, medical field is selected and featured. The newsletter is coded responsive and mobile friendly. The campaigns are being sent through Zoho Campaigns, the service allows an HTML file and a zip file with images to be uploaded. 

We’ve also built a custom coded website, that is updated manually every month. The website has been designed and coded on Adobe Dreamweaver. Here are a few images below of the website and the emailer as well.

In addition, whenever Syncremedies introduced a new service or a set of new services, we would craft a social media post. Initially, we would boost a post, which could be a blog post or an image with a brief description. We also created a carousel ad for the newly launched Homecare subscription model. This marked the first time we conducted a formal ad campaign, which ran for almost a week in Bangalore. Example: Collaboration with Broomees.

Print and Branding Collaterals

Syncremedies has an ongoing retainer for all design collaterals. In 2020, during the pandemic, we worked on a Digital Marketing campaign with a customised newsletter called InSync, a new logo was created similar to the original Syncremedies logo. 


Apart from this, they launched a new Homecare Services package, which required print and web design material, a booklet was designed highlighting and explaining all the services they offer to patients at the convenience of their homes. 


Jump to this year, 2024, they are launching a new vertical called CareUnified. CareUnified helps NRI’s by providing healthcare services for elderly parents who are in India. The project launches on 1st August, we are working on all their design collaterals, print and digital. A website is in the works right now, with a single landing page with basic information about the program and the package offerings.