All in One Package
A comprehensive package for all your design needs. Starting from a logo, visiting card, letterhead, invoice and receipt to naturally progressing to a pitch deck, website design and development with your logo a landing page or coming soon page while you work on your content. Social media pages setup for you or your company, basics setup waiting for content or to create a customised content media calendar- researched, developed and made specifically for your company. Truly plug and use setup waiting for you. At The Magix we have worked on end to end solutions with both startup’s and established companies.
Logo, Invoicing, Letter heads, Business Card, Bill books, Stamps
Pitchdecks Design
Customised Branded Pitch Decks for prospective clients or for funding
Print Design
Brochure, Pamphlet, Poster, Banner, Flex, Standee, Tablecloths, Magazines
Motion Graphik
Videos and animations designed on Adobe After Effects and Premier Pro
Photography and Videography services in Bangalore
Digital Marketing
Customised Email Design, Social Media Calendar Design, Short form media content,
Packages we offer
- 5 Posts a week
- Choice of Image and Short form videos
- 5 graphic designs, limited upto 2 design changes
- No Website Changes
- No Email Marketing
- Basic Content Calendar
- No Weekly Progress Call
₹ 10,000/ Month
- 5 posts a week
- Scheduled Content Calendar
- Choice of Static and Reels
- Email Marketing Design and Coding
- Free Website Maintenance for 1 Year
- Includes 3 website changes
- 6 Graphic Designs, limited to 4 changes
- Weekly Progress Call for 30 minutes
₹ 15,000/ Month
- 6 Posts in a week
- Scheduled Content Calendar
- Choice of Static and Reels
- Minimum committment for 6 months
- Weekly Email Marketing Design and Coding
- 6 Graphic Designs, limited upto 4 design changes
- 5 Website Changes
- Ad Design and Campaign Management * excludes ad Budget
- Weekly Progress Call for 45 minutes
₹ 25,000/ Month
Our Works
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