OEC Ops Website

Earlier this year (Feb, March 2024) a German company called Oceanic Environmental Cables (OEC Ops) got in touch with us to make a Customised WordPress Website. OEC is a company that removed unused submarine and optical cables on the ocean floor. The website design involved illustrating the complex operations in the process, so a layman can understand the process through which the cable is removed, recycled and repurposed.

The illustrations were developed with support and guidance from OEC’s exper team, through a combined use of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. The website is a single page, infinite scroll responsive website with different sections one after another. Designed and developed within 2 months, the projext was well appreciateed by team OEC. We worked along with content inputs and feedback from Quynh D Nguyen, Head of Sustainability, Oceanic Environmental Cables GmBH


Oceanic Environmental Cables, GmBH


WordPress Website